
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Baby it's cold outside!

Thus making me stay indoors and scrapping more yeay!

Used some October Afternoon for my two layouts here.

See you again soon!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sharing some layouts

Ok from the looks of the last post looks like I won't have much control over where my uploaded pics will end up.

Will find a way to fix that.

Anyway short and simple here's some layouts I made recently. I'm trying to use up my existing stash especially the neverending papers!

With Winter CHA starting tomorrow I'm even more keen to use up my stash to make way for some new ones!

Alright then see you again soon!

Happy New Year

Hi everyone!

Finally installed the blogger app and hope this will allow me to blog more frequently this year.

Anyway happy belated new year.

We spent the first week of 2012 back home in Brunei. Had a great time with family and friends. A short escape from winter here since I haven't been home in almost a year.

Here are some collage pics of my grandma's place which is close to the river and pics of my son enjoying himself playing with my little cousins.

On the crafty side of things, CCw has launched their mini kits which can be bought as a one off kit or if you prefer to subscribe you can too.

I received mine and created this kini album in a day! How awesome is that :)

Please visit Creative Craft World for more info. You can find the link to their site at the side there.

We've also welcomed two new DT members this year and they are brilliant ladies!

A shout out goes to the two talented ladies - Sarah and Michelle! Welcome aboard!

Alright I think I'll stop and see how
blogging from my phone turns out. I apologize in advance for typos or non sequential photos lol